StringBuffer Class in JAVA

StringBuffer Class in JAVA

Strings in JAVA can also be made by making an object of the StringBuffer Class.

So why do we use the StringBuffer Class?

StringBuffer Class is mutable while String Class is immutable, hence we can modify the string using the StringBuffer Class.

Method Description
length() Returns an integer value equal to length of the String
capacity() Returns the current capacity of the StringBuffer object
charAt(int) Returns the character at the index passed to this method in the brackets
setCharAt(int, char) Character passed is set at the index specified in the brackets
append(String) Appends the string passed to the original string
insert(int, char) Inserts character passed at the specified index
delete(int, int) Deletes the substring from starting to ending indices passed to this method
replace(int, int, String) Replaces the string passed into the original string from the starting to ending indices passed to the method.
reverse() Reverses the original string
toString() Converts string buffer data into a string


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