JAVA program to find length of a string without using string method

JAVA program to find length of a string without using string method

This JAVA program is to find length of string without using string method.

For example, if string=”Coding” then the length of string=6.


In this program we use toCharArray method in java to convert the string into character array. We then count the number of characters using for each loop of java where ‘:‘ means ‘in’ that is for char c in char array ch increment i. Hence we get the length of the string.

There are many other ways like append a character at the end of a string and break as soon as you reach it or use StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.


import java.util.*;

class stringLength
	public static void main(String args[])
		int i=0;
		String str;
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Enter the string");
		char ch[]=str.toCharArray();
		for(char c : ch)
        	System.out.println("Length of the string = "+i);





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